domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

The week's challenges have been really challenging
What's in your teacher survival kit?
I have been able to verify from the answer of my companions that we have changed, in most cases, the books and the notebooks for the new technologies like the portable computer or the telephone. In addition, the new online applications allow us to share the material immediately and facilitate the collaboration and participation of both students and teachers.How will your teacher's survival kit help you better manage your classroom?
It is difficult to think about how each of us confronts our classes. However, I am convinced that all of us have enough resources to teach our students. We always have something to tell you, what to talk about, what example we can give you from our experience to work in a class. Not necessarily the subjects that we have in our curriculum.
How will creating a parent resource center help you engage parents so that students behave better online and in their class?It is difficult to involve parents in many activities. However, we are increasingly aware of the need for responsible use of the Internet and the risks of misuse for our students or children. This is an issue that worries them and for which they show a lot of interest.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Salvador:
    I read you when you say it has been challenging, but we are so proud of your hard work!. You are not the only one learning here, I am so amazed at your creativity and motivation!. It fuels me and everyone in this MOOC.
