Collaborative activity of my etwinning Project to vote for the best logo of the Project.
Each partner should post a number of logos from their pupils in order to select the best logo among them.
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018
jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018
Idea/short description
Working for Children's Projects is a challenge because
it means, above all, a new approach, a change of attitude on the part of
educators. Fundamentally, it places us in a conscious position of attentive
listening to the child as a starting point. Observe what really interests you
through your questions to "hook" with your thinking, fueling your
deep need to learn. In this way our role becomes more interesting and also
more complex: as a channel of proposals, organizer of points of view, asking
timely questions, providing resources and evaluating the activity itself. It
is not based on a homogenizing and egalitarian education idea, but on the
contrary, on diversity as a value that enriches a community: each child, each
teacher, each family, ... and this is a potential factor that in the Work for
Projects finds a concrete expression of a whole educational philosophy that
characterizes our center as a Learning Community.
The research on dragons has been proposed, because it represents a world of illusion, color and fantasy that is very attractive and motivating to children. From the work with the dragons we can know how they are, how they reproduce, where they live, different types, meet other reptiles, relate them with stories, art as well as all areas of learning. The proposed activities have in common the investigation of each of these items to arrive at a final product that is a collaborative story in which the learned lessons are exposed. |
Pupils age range
Pupils 3-6
Numbers of
pupils involved
over 70
Curriculum areas involved
Know other cultures of other countries, specifically
the participants in our project.
• Cooperate, interact, learn, have fun with the different activities proposed to achieve a common goal. • Encourage the use of new information and communication technologies, using ICT to develop, comment and interact with students from other centers. • Involve the families of the students, and the entire educational community in general, in this collaborative work. • Exchange experiences with other schools about our way of working |
Work progress time
• Students and partners will take
pictures of their school, class, city, and country and present themselves.
• Have a first Skype meeting to get in touch and learn from each other. • Creation of the logo about the dragons. Each school team can start creating a logo and upload it when it is ready. Then, pupils will vote and choose the winner. |
We investigate how the dragons are, how they
reproduce, what they eat, where they come from ... making the beginning of
the collaborative story presenting what our invented dragon is called
describing what it is like, how it was born, where it was born, where it
lives ..., the representation will be done in folios for the final story as
well as its representation in other plastic works. From all this, photos and
videos are made to share with our partners.
We research on types of Eastern, Western, Komodo
Dragon, Flying Dragon, etc. With them we compare dragons of the world that
allows us to follow the story of our collaborative story comparing the
importance or relationship of dragons to different cultures.
• We represent a story related to
dragons. We record it and show it to our partners.
• Assembly with photos and video of the collaborative story and dissemination with the other partners. • Common quarterly magazine with parts of all partners' activities. |
expected results
Creation of common materials (collaborative
story, research) in the double space through cooperation activities, in
addition to the development of work by projects within the curriculum of each
school. This should give a European dimension to the curriculum and allow
students to learn "through" the activities developed with European
sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018
Compartimos y nos despedimos
Bueno, llegado el final, el balance que hago de este curso es muy positivo. Mi idea inicial del curso era conocer recursos digitales para utilizarlos en mis proyectos, especialmente en la plataforma etwinning, donde la colaboración entre socios y especialmente entre alumnos/as es un aspecto muy destacable.
Como aspectos positivos, quiero destacar el tema de las licencias a la hora de manejar información. Me ha parecido muy interesante. Además, era un tema que casi desconocía por completo. Por otro lado, la posibilidades de la plataforma Procomún para utilizar recursos en nuestras clases es otro de los aspectos a destacar. Llevo muchos a años en la decencia y a veces recurrimos a repetir aquellos contenidos que dominamos bien sin detenernos a investigar nuevos materiales que on de gran utilidad. por ultimo, hago especial atención a la participación y la colaboración en todo momento de mi grupo de trabajo. A pesar de tratarse de un curso online, hemos colaborado conjuntamente y el resultado de los materiales elaborados es muy interesante.
Como aspecto negativo, destaco los problemas que he tenido a la hora de subir los materiales a la plataforma Procomún.
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018
Open eTwinning: Project-Based Learning and the Community for Schools in Europe
What did you leave out of these 280 characters? What tweets by colleagues have inspired you or made you think?
The idea that makes me think about what etwinning could be for our schools is the way we can change and improve our environment of teaching and learning from our partners.
The idea that makes me think about what etwinning could be for our schools is the way we can change and improve our environment of teaching and learning from our partners.
Open eTwinning: Project-Based Learning and the Community for Schools in Europe
what eTwinning is to you?
etwinning is a community where teachers, pupils or schools in general from the different European countries work together in order to improve our teaching and learning. From my point of view, etwinning offers many possibilities to share your experiences as a teacher with our partners form abroad and learn from them working together.
etwinning is a community where teachers, pupils or schools in general from the different European countries work together in order to improve our teaching and learning. From my point of view, etwinning offers many possibilities to share your experiences as a teacher with our partners form abroad and learn from them working together.
jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018
3.3. Curamos en Procomún
El contenido que he marcado entre los tres favoritos que he seleccionado son:
El primero de ellos esta relacionado con la rea que hicimos en los ejercicios anteriores Propiedad intelectual y los derechos de autor, que finalmente ha subido nuestro compañero.
Después he utilizado el filtro de búsqueda basado en la materia que imparto Educación Física y Educación Primaria y he seleccionado como favorito estos dos recursos. Este primero, recoge un dossier de actividades para trabajar en educación física y que son muy prácticos para mis sesiones.
Este recurso trata sobre los descansos activos que debemos practicar entre sesiones a lo largo de toda la jornada escolar. Una práctica muy buena para el trabajo de la neuroeducación y la actividad física.
3.2 Mi REA dentro de la comunidad de Procomún
El proceso ha sido sencillo. Se trataba de subir mi REA desde eXeLearning en formato SCORM y después, arrastrándolo para que aparezca como recurso en PROCOMUN. Sin embargo, he tenido que intentar subirlo varias veces porque me da problemas. De hecho, una vez que lo tenía creado en PROCOMUN, he tenido que eliminarlo y volverlo a subir porque no se ha cargado correctamente. Una vez subido, rellené los datos obligatorios y compartí mi recurso en las comunidades #Procomún y #Recursos Educativos Abiertos para la Educación Infantil y Primaria.
En el siguiente enlace podéis acceder a mi REA
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En qué podría mejorar mi diseño inicial a partir de los resultados de la evaluación
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